Measuring semantic similarity between documents has varied applications in NLP and Artificial sentences such as in chatbots, voicebots, communication in different languages etc. . It refers to quantifying similarity of sentences based on their literal meaning rather than only syntactic structure. A semantic net such as WordNet and Word Embeddings such as Google’s Word2Vec, DocToVec can be used to compute semantic similarity. Let us see how. Word Embeddings Word embeddings are vector representations of words. A word embedding tries to map a word to a numerical vector representation using a dictionary of words, i.e. words and phrases from the vocabulary are mapped to the vector space and represented using real numbers. The closeness of vector representations of 2 words in the real space is a measure of similarity between them. Word embeddings can be broadly classified into frequency based (eg: count vector, tfidf, co occurrence etc) and prediction based (eg: Contin...